شامبو هابي كابي الطبي بدون عطر للاطفال يعالج القشرة والتهاب الجلد الدهني واحمرار فروة الراس للبشرة الحساسة من د. ايدي – 8 اونصة

اشتري اونلاين بأفضل الاسعارشامبو هابي كابي الطبي بدون عطر للاطفال يعالج القشرة والتهاب الجلد الدهني واحمرار فروة الراس للبشرة الحساسة من د. ايدي – 8 اونصة✓ شحن سريع و مجاني✓ ارجاع مجاني✓ الدفع عند

رمز المنتج: B07857W8MS التصنيف:

حول هذه السلعة

  • شامبو وغسول الجسم الطبي هابي كابي من دكتور إيدي، المعروف باسم “محلول طبيب الأطفال”، يكافح التقشر والاحمرار والحكة والتقشير والتهيج على فروة الرأس والبشرة للأطفال من جميع الأعمار. هذه الأعراض المزعجة معروفة باسم القشرة والتهاب الجلد الدهني. يتأثر الأطفال من 1 في 3 أعوام دون 5 سنوات.
  • العديد من الأشخاص يشيرون إلى التهاب الجلد الدهني بوصفه “غطاء اللبن”. يوصي أطباء الأطفال بانتظام باستخدام شامبو قشرة الرأس للبالغين لهذه الحالة لأنها تحتوي على عنصر نشط للتحكم في التهاب الجلد الدهني والقشرة. حتى الآن لم يكن هناك شامبو أو غسول للجسم للأطفال لالتهاب الجلد الدهني.
  • هابي كابي هو أول شامبو وغسول للجسم مصنوع خصيصًا للأطفال من جميع الأعمار الذين لديهم مكونات نشطة، وهو زنك البيريثيون الذي ثبت أنه آمن وفعال لعدة عقود لتخفيف القشرة والتهاب الجلد الدهني. كما أنه يحتوي على مكونات طبيعية مستخلص جذور عرق السوس للمساعدة في تهدئة الاحمرار خلف الأذنين وتحت الإبط وفي طيات الرقبة.
  • تركيبة هابي كابي اللطيفة على البشرة وخالية من العطور وتم اختبارها من قبل أطباء الجلدية، خالية من الصبغة، خالية من الكحول، خالية من الكبريتات، وخالية من البيسفينول A، وخالية من الغلوتين، تقضي على التقشر مع ترك البشرة والشعر ناعما وناعما. هابي كابي خالٍ من القسوة ونباتي.
  • قد يرى بعض الأشخاص النتائج في قليل من غسلة واحدة أو اثنين. ومع ذلك، سيلاحظ معظمهم تحسناً كبيراً بعد أسبوع إلى أسبوعين. يجب أن يفكر الأشخاص الذين يتراكم على الحجم السميك، في ترك الشامبو لمدة دقيقة أو دقيقتين قبل الشطف. يجب على الأشخاص في هذه الفئة الأخيرة أن يرون النتائج في غضون 2-3 أسابيع. بمجرد أن يكون التهذيب والتقشر تحت التحكم، نقترح استخدام المستدق 2-3 مرات في الأسبوع. استخدام فرشاة غطاء حامل الرأس أمر غير ضروري.

العلامة التجارية هابي كابي
نوع الشعر All
حجم السائل 8 أونصة سائلة
وزن السلعة 0.23 كيلوجرام
أبعاد السلعة الطول×العرض×الارتفاع 5.1 x 5.1 x 15.2 سم

أفضل المراجعات من المملكة السعودية العربية

Madi R.5.0:
04/17/19I was using a prescription Ketoconzaole shampoo for my seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and face it started losing its effectiveness so I got this shampoo to alternate with. I had bad withdrawals from the Ketoconzaole shampoo after I started using this shampoo the flare up went down. I gently lather and put it on my face every night in the shower and let it sit while I wash my body. It starts to tingle a little if left on too long and sometimes causes a little bit of redness but it fades by morning. For my scalp I wash my hair every few days with this it works okay I have tough build up sometimes from my SD and because it’s a nice gentle product it sometimes doesn’t remove all of it.UPDATE AFTER A YEAR OF USE w/ PHOTOS: 05/08/20I have been using this product for over a year now and my skin have improved greatly. No more itchy flaky skin and my rash is gone. I religiously use it every night and let it sit on my skin while I wash my body and only wash face in morning with warm water after washing hands with soap. I have a separate face cloth to pat dry my face and change it every few days. Keep what touches your face clean; fingers and face towels. I also use a maintenance AHA BHA chemical peel by The Ordinary once a week. Amazing peel and makes skin smooth. I use 2-3 products to moisturize Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum and (5drops) Timeless 100% Squalane oil (8-10drops). When my skins really dry I use EltaMD Intense Face Moisturizer (ingredients just petroleum jelly) (pea size). I also reference a blog for products that are safe it’s called “simple skincare science.com” this help me find all the products I use. I hope this review helps anyone else who may be suffering from the same skin condition stay strong your skin will get better!

Deal hunter E3.0:
So apparently Amazon was not happy with my initial review and wouldn’t post it. The only thing I can imagine is they did not like I had posted non Amazon links to information on 2 of the ingredients that concern me phenoxyethanol and Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine. Ergo here my revised review:I randomly developed white flakes in my hair and after trying a few things this was the only thing that worked. It didn’t 100% eliminate my flakes but it greatly reduced them. Unfortunately when I purchased this I had been up all night trying to find a safe non toxic solution and did not properly vet all the ingredients.I have come to discover that phenoxyethanol is not a great ingredient. According to the website “Campaign for Safe Cosmetics” (safecosmetics.org) it can cause skin allergies nervous system issues in infants (a nipple cream containing phenoxyethanol was found to harm breastfeeding infants) and should be kept away from small children. A cosmetic company called Follain has banished the ingredient form their products as they no longer consider it “clean beauty” (search “Follain” and “phenoxyethanol” for articles).I find it concerning that a dandruff/cradle cap shampoo marketed towards children would contain an ingredient that may be harmful to them and encourage everyone to research themselves before using this on a child let alone yourself. For those of you who have already used it and your child had a bad reaction as I see some have see if any other products you use on them contain phenoxyethanol and if not that may be the culprit.As for the Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine; there doesn’t seem to be a lot of information on it which concerns me as someone who practices the precautionary principal. I am not a chemist but I do find it interesting Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine shares the same first word as Cocamidopropyl betaine which I’ve learned is more processed than Coco-betaine due to the “amidopropoyl” part of the name. It’s possible we will learn from further research that Cocamidopropyl hydroxysultaine is ok but in the meantime I prefer to avoid this ingredient and go for less processed better researched ones.So while this product worked for me (luckily I bought it for myself not a child) I will not be repurchasing until they change these ingredients and encourage everyone to do their own research before buying or using this on yourself or children.Website Sources: I am not allowed to post direct links per Amazon policy but here are the website names. Search these + the ingredient and you should easily find the same info I did. phenoxyethanol : Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Clean Beauty 101Cocamidopropyl: hydroxysultaine I Read Labels for You Lisa Bronner’s Blog (briefly touches on Cocamidopropyl as in Cocamidopropyl betaine but still may be relevant. Search “Lisa Bronner+ SLS actually and it’s in the comments).

Renuka Tabitha5.0:
Great product. I tried it once and my daughter’s cradle cap was improving. Will order again.

M. Kaiserin5.0:
I use a combination of this shampoo and Nizoral to control malassezia (fungal acne). Malassezia is the fungus that lives on everyone’s skin but for some of us causes things like seborrheic dermatitis (red itchy cracked skin) tinea versicolor (a fungal infection that can change the color of your skin) dandruff (super common) and acne-like breakouts with tiny white heads that itch like the dickens on face chest and back. Most of the products designed to go on your face or body (shampoos soaps cleansers lotions — everything) have at least one ingredient that feeds malassezia! The formula of Happy Cappy is designed to combat malassezia and the difference I personally notice when I’m using it is remarkable. This is a perfect twin to the antifungal-shampoo-as-skin-cleanser because alternating between Happy Cappy and antifungals ensures that you don’t end up with an antifungal-resistant malassezia infection. Happy Cappy features zinc instead of -azole antifungals which means there’s no risk of creating resistance and nothing in this shampoo feeds malassezia! This is a holy grail product for folks with any of the above symptoms. Give it a try it seriously works great as a face wash and body wash.

I have fungal acne and get bad dandruff if i use products with ingredients that will irritate my face. Google “simple skincare science” if you’re having acne that won’t go away with “normal” acne products especially if your breakouts itch. Anyway the only shampoo that put a stop to my dandruff and also help with my face is the Nizoral brand shampoo. I’ve been using it on and off since last nov/dec and wanted something to change up my routine so I wouldn’t build a tolerance to it. Hence why I purchased this. I may honestly love this shampoo more than the Nizoral. First it doesn’t strip my hair of all its oils (I’ve got super oily skin and hair); which makes it so I don’t have to wash my hair as often! Second and most importantly it also helps with the dandruff and itching. I’ll continue to switch between this and Nizoral but I’m glad I found something that won’t irritate my scalp 🙂





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